
2022 Draw | Model | Prompt: Tectonic Speculations, Sovich, R.M., Hapticity Press, 2022
2022 T3XTURE Archizine,"Repose and Energy" Architectural Journal. Issue No. 5
2019 T3XTURE Archizine,"The Edge of Edge," Architectural Journal. Issue No.4, A collaboration with AIA Baltimore.
2016 T3XTURE Archizine, "Pattern is Maddening," Architectural Journal. Issue No.3
2015 T3XTURE Archizine, "Ornament is Splendid!" Architectural Journal. Issue No.2
2015 “Locus of Meaning and Memory, Notes on the Nature of Doors in Settings for Care,” in Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology,
2014 T3XTURE Archizine, Architectural Journal. Issue No.1, 2014
2010 20X10 SEGUE House™, Sovich, R.M., Lulu Press,
2010 houses_towers_cities: architectural drawings, Sovich, R, M., Hapticity Press, 2010.
2009 Baltimore 2010: A View of Baltimore from 1984. IgniteBaltimore #4, October
2009 GOING GREEN!, Presentation to the DCHCA Annual Conference. June 2009
2009 Creating Home: An Assisted Living Design Manual. Sovich, Jenkens, and Baldwin, Lulu Press,
2002 Ten Criteria for Healing Environments in Education, NAPSEC Conference.
1999 The Design of Inpatient Hospice Environments: Theory and Case Study, in
FUTURECARE: New Directions for Planning Health and Care Facilities. Valins, M. and Salter, D. eds. London: Blackwell, 1995.
1996 Locus of Meaning and Memory, Notes on the nature of doors in settings for care settings. RM Sovich, AIA, LEED® AP
1993 A Place for Hospice Care, RM Sovich, AIA, LEED® AP
Cited in Verderber, S., & Refuerzo, B. J. (2006). Innovations in hospice architecture. London: Taylor & Francis.
Cited in Marcus, C. C., & Sachs, N. A. (n.d.). Therapeutic landscapes: An evidence-based approach to designing
healing gardens and restorative outdoor spaces.
Baltimore Medical System Opens Nation's First LEED Platinum Certified, Federally Qualified Health Center
Employees Breathing Easier in Green Buildings
Highlandtown Healthy Living Center Promotes a Healthier Environment,
Healthy By Design, Urbanite Magazine, November 2010
32,000 SF Health Center Complete in Highlandtown
Foundations of Health, edc Magazine
Green Building: The Remedy For Sustained Employee Wellness
AIA MD Honors RM Sovich Architecture for Two Projects, CityBiz, 2010
Baltimore Medical Systems New Headquarters Receives LEED-Platinum Certification
Plan for former Highlandtown library moves ahead. Baltimore Sun, 28 June 2010
A new use for Highlandtown library. Maryland Daily Record, Baltimore, 30 January 2010.
Online, An Empty Lot Can Be A Waterfall: Web Site Solicits Images Of Imagined Cityscapes, The Baltimore, Sun, 16 May 2009.
Design for Senior Environments, Architectural Showcase, Plush Mills Senior Residences, Wallingford, PA. March 2007
Community center gives hope to neighborhood, The Baltimore Sun, 11 September 2007
Design for Senior Environments Architectural Showcase, Highlands Crossing, Bella Vista, AR. March 2006, p.78
Educational Showcase, The Children’s Guild, Transformation Station, American School & University, September 2001
Redesign incorporates learning. The Baltimore Sun, 7 December 2000
New schoolhouse is built to teach. The Baltimore Sun, 14 January 1998.
Best work this year thinks small, The most successful buildings seem to be the little gems rather than the huge efforts. The Baltimore Sun, 21 September 1997
Inside Stories. Baltimore Magazine, Baltimore, MD, vol. 88, no. 4, April 1995, p. 92.
New Urban Housing: Fresh Thinking from the Pittsburgh Design Competition. Community Design Center of Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1994.
The 40th Annual PA Awards. Progressive Architecture, Stamford, CT, January 1993, p. 68-69.
Baltimore firm wins Pittsburgh Housing Competition, ARCHITECTURE, BPI Communications, New York NY. June 1992, p. 27.
Prize Winning Homes to be Built on Vacant Lot in Garfield, The Pittsburgh Post Gazette, 27 June 1992.
Baltimore firm wins for design, Affordable housing gets a fresh look. The Baltimore Sun, 30 August 1992
Visionary and Unbuilt Landscapes. Landscape Architecture, Washington, DC. vol. 82, no. 12, p. 53-55.
Architecture in Perspective: A five year Retrospective of Award Winning Illustration. New York, NY, Van Nostrand, 1992. p. 21.